Hello. Thank you for visiting this blog, To Be Foodie!
In my food culture class, we considered what makes a blog better, to be a better blogger.
our group looked at a blog, Jet City Gastrophysics ~ Exploring Modernist Cuisine in the Northwest by three American men.
The purpose for creating the blog seems like a commercial because all three have their own blogs other than the blog. The blog had been created in 2010 and the posting ended in early 2014. The main part of the blog is recipes. To tell recipes, they use text, photos, and sometimes videos. Recipes are written in 1st person using "I". Visitors to the blog can leave comments, and sometimes the author replied to them. There are many kinds of recipes, for example, one is about curry and one is about a BBQ source.
Almost all steps have visuals, so the recipe is easy to understand. In addition, photos are not very professional, so I think visitors feel familiar with the blogger and can feel that they can make the same dish. Furthermore, links for each recipe are in a chart, as you can see on the screenshot below, so this blog is good at navigating visitors.
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